Jesus said to his followers “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). It is our heart at Arise to be a generous church, as such we take intentional steps towards living generously through with what we give financially and in other ways.
Our desire is to operate with transparency, clarity and in a spirit of partnership and empowerment to help advance God’s Kingdom locally, nationally and around the globe.
If you consider yourself part of the Arise Church community and do or would like to partner through financially giving into the church we hope you find this information valuable.
For more information you can download our Designated Fund Giving Strategy Document. This document provides more details on how Arise Church gives through its “Designated Fund”.
The Designated Fund The is a portion of Arise Church’s annual budget set apart to help facilitate Arise Church’s commitment to generosity and mission in the world.
This Fund represents a “First-Fruits” commitment to our communal giving. More information on how this fund is accrued and apportioned is contained in the Strategy document you can download below.