Arise Church

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Whether you are single, engaged, just married or married for years, this conference is for you.

Time and location

APril 25th & 26th

Arise Church | Lincoln
127 Birchwood Ave, LN6 0JE

Friday 25th April | 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Saturday 26th April | 9:00am - 5:00pm

resilient Relationships

Conference Speakers

Clare is the Teaching Lead at Arise Church, and works for Samaritan’s Purse UK. A Mattersey Hall Bible College graduate with a Batchelor’s and Master’s degree in Theology, Clare carries a vision to see biblical truths used as a foundation for moral frameworks within church, family, and Education. She has three grown-up children and six grandchildren.

John is a husband, father and church leader, John carries a burden to see the local church embrace both its prophetic calling and emotionally healthy discipleship.

Jeremy works for The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as UK Director of Engagement for the God Loves You Tour. He is passionate about helping men and women foster intimacy with Jesus, resist the pitfalls of temptation, and build resilience within their relationships.

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